Stores the translation between hand tracked data and the represented bone.
Stores the translation between hand tracked data and the represented bone.
◆ id
The unique identifier for the bone.
◆ rotationOffset
Vector3 HandPosing.BoneMap.rotationOffset |
The rotation difference between the hand-tracked bone, and the represented bone.
◆ transform
Transform HandPosing.BoneMap.transform |
The trasform that this bone drives.
◆ RotationOffset
Quaternion HandPosing.BoneMap.RotationOffset |
get |
Get the rotationOffset as a Quaternion.
◆ TrackedRotation
Quaternion HandPosing.BoneMap.TrackedRotation |
get |
Get the raw rotation of the bone, as taken from the tracking data
The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
- Runtime/HandPosing/BoneMap.cs